This app is definitely my favorite app on my phone. It has everything. My favorite thing about this app is that when you are on the chat you can see if the person has the chat open too (by a little blue dot on the bottom left corner that hovers there). I also love that you can see when someone has opened your message or picture. The filters are great and the dog and cry face are definitely my favorite.
I use this app more than I use any other app. I love it. Its a quick way to chat, send pictures, and stay in touch! I love it.
But one suggestion that I think is a little abstract is for the background.
I think what would be great is if you could choose the color scheme of your snapchat. Like a dark vs. light option.
People always feel self conscious when they are in a dark room and their screen lights up white while they are tying. I think a black backdrop with white text as an option would be really cool. Some apps I have like Notability and Wattpad already have these options and they are great.
Thanks so much. I know this isnt a priority but I just had that idea and I thought it was really cool. Just something to consider.