I would give 5 stars if you could have music played from the phone (pandora) that would appear in video recordings. Music can be played as videos are filmed, but the video ends up mute, which is disappointing.
I would give 5 stars if you could have music played from the phone (pandora) that would appear in video recordings. Music can be played as videos are filmed, but the video ends up mute, which is disappointing.
Adjusting text size when the keyboard was up used to be the only way to manipulate the number of lines/length of each line. Now however, due to an update that Im sure was well-intentioned, the text continues to displace as I move and adjust its size even when the keyboard isnt up, making it so that I cannot fit the text into the position I want. It would be great if you could revert this setting to allow a more customizable and therefore better experience for the user. You still get four stars because anything less would be silly and reactionary. Thanks.
all of my streaks are disappearing then reappearing and emojis dont show up by my friends names.... fix asap, this just happened with the update
I mind as well delete old memories because I cant do anything with them. They load forever and end up never opening
today , i am writing to snapchat today about a new filter you have added . my friend is using it too much & i would like it to be gone . the filter is the one that looks like big bird from the hit show " sesame street " . thank you for reading . ? ~~ marslayyy ?
Whenever I log onto snapchat my button to take a picture or record is not there, ever!!! I have to scan my face a million times to get the button to show up but it only allows me to choose a filter and theres no option for no filter. Can you please fix this glitch cause I use snapchat on a daily!!!!!!
I love snapchat but i would love if the part where you can see others bestfriends again
I love everything about Snapchat but when it comes to having a large group of people that want to be in the same group chat, but cant, it starts becoming a problem. I would like you to take it under consideration that you make the maximum number of people in a group chat at least 40-50 people.
I mean I just thought that would have been done by now....
Snapchat is my favorite app. ❤️ Im on it all the time, always snap chatting people. Super great and fun. But just a question. What happened to FaceSwap?? ? I love love love snapchat, I have nooo problems with it???
I have had snapchat for about 3 years or so and it has only gotten better. I rarely ever even txt people anymore, unless were talking about my parents, otherwise I just use snapchat. The filters are funny to use and you may learn a few things on the "news page" if you will. Mostly for you to see whats going on in the world, whether beneficial or for comical purposes. I recommend downloading if you know people who use it!
Why cant I use multiple filters on my snaps. It restricts me to 1 filter as to where my friends can use 2-3 or whatever. iPhone 5se
I get it, you have to add more features to make it more interesting. I remember when my friend first told me to download Snapchat more than 5 years ago & it was just me and her. But come on, when you wanna add News & Articles on the My Story section, its a bit irritating. There are some Article covers that I dont want to see like Kim K.s butt, stupid sex tips, or dumb MTV that isnt music related. I dont mind IGN or those articles that will give me iPhone tips (which are worth reading sometimes), but I think there should be an option on what "Featured" articles you want on your My Story section or take it out completely. Either way, the "Featured" articles has its own section when you swipe left from the My Story section. Please add more "Featured" options.
So instead of having to go through and select all of your streaks to send a picture to, itd be amazing if there were a single selection button also sometimes snaps from others will automatically open themselves
My favorite app in my phone I use it all day
1) Few glitches, fairly easy to navigate and use. 2) When in Travel Mode, recently the app has started to load every snap I get from people whom I previously sent snaps to even when I didnt load them myself. Makes the Travel Mode kind of obsolete. 3) Maybe add a feature where you can edit the text on your stories. Would help people who tend to make typos often or want to just change their caption and make the app more fun to use.
I love Snapchat and take a lot of my pictures through the app. One thing I REALLY dont like is the fact that you cant change your username. Once one username gets old, I like to change it. However, Snapchat doesnt let you. It does tell you while youre setting up your account that once you pick a username, you cant change it, but I think that should change. Please consider adding this in a future update! Other than this, Snapchat is golden!
When me and my friends are in a group chat, things are a lot more fun. HOWEVER there are points when we have to message someone separately to tell them to type in chat because it either disappears or it wont refresh. I believe that at this point, I wont be able to see anything more in the chat because no matter how many times I refresh the feed, it still says I have no new notifications from the chat
Okay. So I love the idea of group chats and everything, but I wish that when a person leaves the chat, their words and chats still stay.
I have lost so many streaks even after snap chatting the person all day long.