Snapchat by itself is a good idea, you can talk to people and see there face at the same time so it is better than texting. But snapchat had gone downhill this last year and that is because of there liberal propaganda posts on the discovery page, they have no conservative stories ever! Only things like Daily Mail, CNN and the worst Now This News. They lie in every post and even try to persuade people to change there ideas. Like back in the election cycle I saw a post saying the Bernie sanders was awful compared to Hillary. They try to demean Donald Trump in the worst possible way all the time by making up lies and just throwing in awful comments on thing that dont even make sense. They need to balance it out and have a few conservative ideas on snapchat or else its going to lose a lot of users because of how one-sided they make everything. Snapchat used to be about talking to friends but now all they make it about is the liberal agenda to get President Trump out of office and Im sick of it. Get better snapchat